A poem written to accompany the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker Suite 

by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.  

How to paint an 18-foot circle on your carpet. 

As you scroll through the various videos on movement activities, please note:

These videos were originally intended to help Kris remember, from year to year, the actions with which she had had previous success. They were not, at first, recorded to be shared, but were later linked to this website for those teachers who requested access to them.  They are not professionally recorded and are sometimes pretty goofy! Enjoy!

Before I teach this Waltz in Ab activity, I tell the students that last night, my kids were watching Spongebob and it was the episode where Spongebob and Patrick are trying to get Squidward to go jellyfishing.  The B section then is when they are beckoning him to join them and the A section shows the jellyfish.

Try teaching your kids this locomotor movement to the Russian Dance from the Nutcracker Suite 

by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.  

Then try having them do the same actions while standing with these additions...

A:  arms at sides

B and bridge: genie arms

coda: field goal arms

I learned the standing version from Jean Murphy.

 I learned this activity from Rachel Faidley.

I modified this from the version presented in my Orff levels. Dale Ludwig, my movement teacher, paired In the Hall of Mountain King with the book We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury. Personally, I have the children make up the actions for each obstacle: the grass, the river, the mud, the snowstorm, and the cave. 

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